Great Minds Think Alike
Friday, January 9, 2015
Am I Talking Alone?
Suddenly I feel this urge to write again. What's its gonna be this time? I don't even have a topic yet. There's so many things happening the last few years. But today I'm just feeling a bit….urghhh…just lost a whole iPhoto file in my Mac just because I was irritated by some file arrangements that doesn't look right and trying to fix it!
Its been a while since I last use my lappy…and suddenly I remembered those days when I don't have a smart phone and an iPad. Those years when we don't have facebooks and Whatssap. Haha…! We either communicate by email or sms. We still do…but the email now is for spams and marketing and official communications. SMS…for those who don't have whatssap! Hihi
Aiiihhh…out of topic again! Back to lappy! Only use it once in a while but I still insist on keeping it even though my phone and iPad can access me online anytime! So today…when I got frustrated over the loss folder…I started browsing and then wondering what happened to my blog! So here I am.
Looking at the dashboard, I realized I had easily 8-10 unpublished posts. But they're all so outdated news. I may rewrite to update the current news or just forget about it. And I wonder if this one will get posted at all…
You know, after all these face booking and whatssaping….blogging sounds like Im talking alone! Hehe… Yup…thats it! Thats my topic for today. Something has to start somewhere…so here my first post after sooo long! Sorry it doesn't have any substance…but my goal today is to post something…for a start! Later…mates! (Wonder if my blogger friends still around?)
Sunday, April 29, 2012
OF Dreams, Vision and Coincidence

May I just reiterate, that this is no big or major, nor an important event, but just a small coincidence in a daily life experience, that is somehow significant to yours truly, truly.
I have been 'in-love' with iPhone eversince it hits the market. That was way back in 2008. Its not even available locally here in Malaysia. But there are friends and people I know who bought it from the US or Europe and brings it back here, not to mention some black market item, you cant tell if its original or 'under the sea' product.
I was at a mall about three weeks ago with my little darlings, and we had lunch at Burger Kings. Well, kids will always go for fast foods, and the mom didnt object either! While eating and facebooking, I also read sms'es. Then we went to browse around while waiting for my other girl watch her movie with friends.
Then, whadaya know.... I found the iPhone leaflet with the promo package in my handbag that I picked up on the day I lost the phone! "Humor me..!" I recalled telling myself on that day. I actually picked up the leaflet without realising I had lost the phone! Freaky, isn't it?
And with that, I finally decided its ok to change, that change is inevitable, and a change of number goes with it! And you can guess the rest of the story!
Haha....long story! Thanks for reading!!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Playing in the Garden
Its been a while since I last post the pics of my kitties here. I've a few stories to tell, but I need to rush for now. So I'll just post their latest pictures, you can see how adorable they are. Enjoy!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Fun Caricature

Just to share, if I may say, this cute LOL, caricature of moi, done this morning. Very impromptu, offered by the cartoonist, so I just oblige it for fun. I did not pose that way, in fact, i was just sitting in front of the desk....haha! Ok, see you again, soon!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
We Love You Oreo!

Friday, October 23, 2009
Idealess Cooking
Nasi Lemak, Sambal Tumis Udang plus fried anchovies and Cucumber.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Fun Flipper!
Happy COT's! For more fun cat stories visit Gattina's here!
HI Ydiana
Nice to see you back
and VERY interesting post !!!!!
I hope it was yummie by Burger KIng
(my favorie better than macDonalds;)
Hello Anya!
Sorry I'm like on and off! But I'll be around! *Hugs*
Where theres a will theres a way. ............................................................
Hi Judy
Thanks for dropping in! Very true, when there's a will, there's a way!! :)
rain before seven; fine before eleven.............................................................
Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today..................................................................
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