The buns before it doubles in size.
In the hot oven.
Hot from the stove, and a spread of butter topping.
The finished product
Source: MamaFami Blog
Ingredients :
700g high protein flour
50g shortening
200g lukewarm water
200g evaporated milk/fresh milk
100g castor sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 packet instant yeast (11g)
2 nos egga bit of margarine
Method :
1. Sift flour into a mixing bowl. Add in yeast, sugar, salt and eggs. On the mixer.
2. Pour in evaporated milk and lukewarm water a bit at a time until just mixed.
3. Add in the shortening and continue kneading till a soft and smooth dough is formed. Add more water if needed.
4. Make into one round ball and leave to prove till double the size.
5. Punch down the dough to release air and make into small balls. Arrange in a greased pan and let it prove again till double the size.
6. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for 20 to 30 minutes.
7. Once out of the oven, brush the top with margarine. Serve with curry or serikaya or jam or whatever to your likings.
I think my bread has like 85-90% success rate.
Nothing wrong with the recipe. Its a tested and proven recipe. What I didn't do right:
1.Its not as fluffy as it should be. Maybe because it did not let the dough in the mixer long enough. Hey...this is my first time! Later I discovered you need to knead for about 9-10 minutes.
2. I missed out the salt as I was distracted when measuring the amounts of various ingredients. ..haha
3. Infact, I added the shortening earlier with other ingredients, and upon realising my mistake, took it out with all the flour and yeast stuck to it...hahaha. Then put it back again later.
4. I was a bit panicked when I saw the bread browning faster than I thought it should be. So I meddled with the temperature and the heat distribution of the oven. I even opened the oven door to take a peek or two. Once, I took the tray out and put it in back. Lol!
Overall, its ok, a bit crusty on the top, but inside is soft, but still not feathery as I'd like it to be. No worries. This morning we had this as breakfast with butter and kaya. Later I'll fix some chicken curry for tea.
I am so proud of myself...haha...! And it'll be better the next time... Cheers! :)
Waaaaw its looks great, is the taste alright LOL
they're beautiful! thanks for sharing the recipe :D
hello Anya
It taste good, but it can be better if the bread is fluffier! ;) Well, at least it finishes in 2 days..haha!
Hi Toughcokie
Thanks and you're most welcome! Do try it out for cute BJ k!
Hi Diana...
At least, your first trial was like 85 to 90% berjaya. Mama dulu, first time bake roti, FAIL TERUS! Roti tak naik langsung! Hahaha... Try again next time ya. But then, jangan gabrah. Relax relaxxx je buat okay. Kneading tu, best if you can knead the dough for 20 minutes if using the mixer. Kalau manually, 30 minit. All the best!
MamaFaMi my Sifu!
Tq for the tips - 20 minit kneading machine rupenya! And the salt also very important I found out. Next must be better, kan. 100%
Yalah..Mama fail masa first time roti naik. My first time buat kek, jadi macam biskut lemau..hahaha!
It really looks yummy ! I never did it but I think homemade bread must taste very good.
Hi Gattina
It does taste good and fresh! Bet Arthur and Rosie would help (themselves) if you ever decide to bake one, one day! :)
Wow...terus salivating bila tengok buns yang panas2 tu. Congrats...! I don't know why u call it 85% ...to me it's 100%! (maybe I'm bias cos i love all kinds of breads)..i hope this blog still around when i decided to try into baking one day (hmmm....bila la agaknya).
p/s: i received your invoice. will process asap. sorry lambat sikit ya.
Hi Intan
Haha....bread lover rupenya! Don't worry, this blog, insya'allah will not be closed. Update tak update je. :) Anyway, you can always google for the recipe.
Ok, the invoice, great. TQ! :))
Kudos to you diana! I know exactly the feeling... Looking forward to more of your bread making adventures ;-)
Hi Ydiana, I got the bread scent from here and sniff sniff arrived here.
Wow! Outstanding, love homemade bread.
Ada lagi? 4 will do nicely with iced coffee, ha ha.
Happy baking, Lee.
It looks yummy. I've got a breadmaker and use it about 3 times a week. Making brown bread with onions and herbs today. Scrumptious!
Hi Jabishah
Thanks! I'll be posting my new 'adventures' in the kitchen every now and then. Maybe I'll get some idea from you - the chocolate moisture cake looks real gooood! :)
Hi Lee!
Ha ha..its real inviting sweet and fresh aroma isnt it! Ok, I'll save a few pieces for you! A dozen ok...ok maybe 2 dozen with ice coffee coming up! :)
Hi Katz
I must, I must learn how to make your onion and herb bread! If I cannot find the recipe online, I will pester you to give me, ok. Haha!
Mmmmmmmyummy, that looks wonderful.
I´ll try it too. Thank you for sharing your receipe.
hugs Stefanie
Hi Stephanie
My pleasure!! Glad you like it and do try it. Pls update your cooking adventure in your blog, k! Maybe Luna, Luzie or Olli might want to help too! ;)
Kareltje give all Cat Mom's a cat award, come you pick it up !!
'World's Best CatMom award"
purrss Kareltje^=^.^=
Thanks!! I will post the award soon! :)
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